Fall has arrived! Finally!

And it has given me a big, fat migraine!!!!

Actually, it is rainy here today, which is a good thing, but the barometric pressure change has done a number on my head. But it will get better.

It is still not officially fall....is it? It doesn't feel like it any way. It is still warm. I love fall when there is a slight chill in the air and you need to wear a jacket but it is not unbearably cold.

Yea for fall!!!

Greg and I went to Orlando and had a great trip. It was a little rainy while we were there, but otherwise we had no complaints at all. We were very impressed with the National Center on Biblical Parenting all the way around. Hopefully, I will be able to give my first seminar at my church in some form or another in the Winter. I have a lot of information to go through and really work on the presentation of the seminar. They really give you everything you need to give a great presentation and for any church that is planning the seminar, they provide everything to promote it. And they really work with the church to make it successful. I guess that is why we were so impressed with this organization. They are very organized and have their stuff together! Thanks Scott and Joanne!!!!

Once I am going at this full throttle I will include some information in the blog in case you or your church would like to plan to have a parenting seminar. Even if I am not in your area they have presenters all over the country.

If you want to take a look you can check them out at http://www.biblicalparenting.com

I promise more later!!!

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