Parenting Is Heart Work Seminar

Thursday May 1 and May 8th I held a two part parenting seminar at my home church, Two Rivers Baptist. I was very excited (and nervous) to have the privilege to hold my first seminar there.

All in all, things went well, not perfectly by any means, but well.

God has been teaching me so much through this process and I am SO excited to be headed in a direction with Him and not know where I am going. I don't understand why He wants to use me but I am glad that He loves me and wants me to share in what He is doing here on earth. What an awesome privilege.

And about peace. Wow, there is nothing like walking smack dab in the middle of God's plan for you.

Life is good.

Is it perfect?

Is it pain free or trial free?

Absolutely not. But, man, it is good....because God is good.

More on the parenting seminar to come along with information on how to have me at your church, mom's group or small group setting!!

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