A stay at home, what?????

If I had written a post about two weeks ago, you would have been reading about my woes as a stay home mom. I was frustrated, tired, mopey, moody and wondering what I got myself into. Apparently, I will probably go through this about once a month. Its called PMS! Ha!

Now, all is right with the world again and I am extremely busy. Not just with being at home with Carter but my work at the church. Tuesdays, which is today, are exhausting for me. Getting up and out of the house is stressful. Making sure I have everything prepared for the Moms group that I lead at 9:30 along with getting Carter ready, fed, dressed, and food prepared for his day since he is in weekday school (AKA: mother's day out). Then after mommy's group I volunteer in the counseling ministry office for a couple of hours working on organizing some stuff in there. Right now I am working on a community resource guide for the director since we refer a lot of people out to other counselors in the community.

Wednesday nights are getting even busier. I was supposed to teach a class Wednesday nights but only one person came. But the good thing is, I am now starting to counsel more kids on Wednesday nights and that is filling that time up.

Another part of ministry that became very evident this past week was in conversations with dear friends. Praying for friends going through a rough spot, difficult pregnancies and hearing praises from other friends. I love being in the center of God's will. Right now I feel like I am doing what I have been called to do and I just want to stay right there. I know I won't be able to, that's all part of growth. And then there is the whole failing and being human part. I just pray that where ever the Lord is taking me on this journey that I surrender and stay faithful. I would hate to miss out on what God has in store for me and the ministry I am involved in.

As draining as being involved in ministry gets me, I wouldn't trade this spot where I am right now for anything else in the world. When I talk about being drained, I am more drained emotionally than physically. Since I am not a naturally extroverted person, leading people in a discussion for 2 hours kind of drains me. Praying over babies, marriages, and ministry is draining. Having all these ideas for ministry running around in my mind is draining! Wondering how it is all going to fall into place is draining.

But coming before the Lord with my requests and calling on him for my strength and sustenance where I can lay all my requests out to God is REFRESHMENT! It replenishes my soul. It allows me to keep going. It affirms my faith. It affirms my purpose, which is ultimately to worship the Lord! That keeps it all in line.

That and a good, long soak in the tub! That's where I am headed!

Yep, just when I thought I was going to start losing it, everything aligns back up and all is right with the world. Well, at least for the next couple of weeks! LOL!

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